One of the most crucial years in a child’s development is the preschool year. Children develop new language and social skills, intellectual abilities, emotional maturity and physical acuity during this time. The experiences they have during this period will determine, in large measure, how successful they are as they move into school.

How to be social

Preschoolers are naturally social beings. They like playing with other children and trying new things together. They learn how to share and take turns, how to resolve conflicts with others and how to make friends through play activities in preschool classes.

How to think

Preschoolers learn how to make decisions, solve problems and ask questions. They also learn how to use reasoning and logic so they can come up with solutions to problems. This is done through play that encourages them to explore, experiment and try different strategies when faced with a challenge or problem.

How to talk

Talking is one of the main ways that young children communicate with others, so it’s important for them to learn how to speak clearly and effectively. They also need to practice listening carefully so that they can understand what other people are saying and respond appropriately.

How to share

Sharing is an important social skill because it helps preschoolers develop trust in others and prepare them for later on when they have playmates who don’t always want to share things with each other. To prepare your preschooler for sharing, start by modeling this behavior yourself whenever you share something with him or her — like a toy or snack — then praise your child when he or she shares something with you or another child.

How to communicate

Communication is an important skill for all children, but it’s especially important for preschoolers who are just learning how to talk and listen. By the time they reach age 4, most children have learned how to communicate with others through words, actions and gestures. They can also express their needs and wants clearly, which helps them get along better with other children and adults alike.

How to interact with others

Preschool provides children with lots of opportunities to interact with other kids and adults alike. In fact, most of their time is spent playing with other kids! The more time they spend interacting with others, the more comfortable they’ll be interacting with others as adults!

Preschool also teaches kids how to work together toward common goals — something that will help them later on when it comes time for team sports or group projects at school.

Preschoolers learn the foundation for becoming well-adjusted adults

Preschoolers learn the foundation for becoming well-adjusted adults. They learn to interact with others, to communicate their feelings and needs, and to develop social skills. They are learning how to make friends, share, take turns and play cooperatively. As they progress through school, these skills become more refined and complex.


