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One of the ways Children’s Paradise stays connected to the families of the children who attend the school and the community is through our family relationship and parenting classes in San Diego. While early education is our main focus, we believe in the wellness of the whole child. A child’s success also involves the family to make sure all the child’s needs are being met when not a school. To help parents feel confident and thrive in their parenting role our highly skilled staff leads classes on such topics as reaching developmental milestones, the importance of a father’s role in parenting, why children misbehave and how to improve communication amongst the entire family. Our goal is for the entire family to have the tool, resources and services to strengthen their family and become better citizens in their respective community.
- For any parent or family member who is interested in the well being of their child
- Free to all community members
- At various times, often in the evening so parents can attend after work
- Motivating, positive and effective
- Taught by well-educated staff or other partnering organizations
Parents Say!
“We are honored to present Children’s Paradise as the Fathers & Families Coalition of America (FFCA) Affiliate of the Year for teaching parents to develop skills that improve the wellness of their children, strengthen families and in-crease the quality of life of all individuals in the communities they live in. Congratulations.”
– James Rodriguez,
Chief Executive Officer and President,
Fathers & Families Coalition of America, Inc.

We invite you and your little one to schedule a tour at of one of our beautiful, high quality early learning centers and get enrollment information today. During the tour, we’ll provide you with pricing and an enrollment package. We encourage you to bring your child to the visit and spend some time exploring our magical play areas and age appropriate environments.